Fallout 4 3rd person
Fallout 4 3rd person

fallout 4 3rd person fallout 4 3rd person

If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact Steam Support. But it works so far.Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Shamelin b2bĪnd mods disable achievements but this one does not I hope. Now I can finally use 3rd person mode without running into walls because of that weird 'shoulder camera'. I know this is an old topic but thanks so much. Squirting Elephant Ver perfil Ver mensajes. Im sure they used the same Lines in Note pad as i did. I have an issue with looting from the third person while standing. The crappy part i had to play around with it to get it to work for me. It's like having to "Zero" a gun sigjht in real life. I read your post and I think using the X axis I can adjust it, I'm just not sure if this is right, or how much to adjust it. This even effects clicking on objects, it's all off center. Also if I am at a door frame etc and aim thru the open doorway I hit the frame instead. When i shoot at enemies my bullets hit to the right of them, even if they are close. Go to your documents, pull up the fallout ini. Inicio Discusiones Workshop Mercado Retransmisiones.

Fallout 4 3rd person